Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Our first family summer beach trip to Virginia Beach!

For us this is what family is about sharing experiences and creating new memories together. We hope this is the first of many family vacations together.
It is nice to see the bond all the cousins have with one another. It gave Aunt Jeana and Mommy a bit of a relief to know the older cousins were watching over the smaller ones -- a family hierarchy system is a beautiful thing!

Elijah and Fletcher looking like two old men.

My cousin, my friend!

Fletcher wouldn't have anything to do with the big bad ocean -- even ole trusty Elijah could not coax him near the water.

Aunt Jeana is still a kid at heart and managed to "steal" a ride on the roller coaster.

The boys checking out the beach scenery from the hotel balcony.

Aunt Jeana and Eben enjoy the nice day poolside.

What does a two and three year old do with boogie boards? Pretend they are using them proficiently on land!

Makayla feeding her youngest cousin, Eben.

The sisters, mommies, and friends!

Everyone enjoying some pool time -- minus the sand from the beach!

Fletcher in Daddy's shoes again. Slow down!


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