Our son -- a rough, rowdy, tough boy... he loves dirt, rocks, cars and any construction vehicle that exists, running and jumping.
Fletcher giving Daddy a ride on his shoulders.:-)
Potty Training - We started potty training Fletcher on June 14. We’ve had considerable success. He’s trained and in big boy undies for pee-pee, we are working on the BMs. He is even making it through 98% of the nights and his naps without incident. It only took us 20 pairs of underwear and many loads of laundry the first week.:-) The investment has been worth it!
Terrible Twos - The “terrible twos” have not gone without challenge, but overall we are surviving and continue remind Fletcher who is in charge and if he listens to Mommy and Daddy and uses words to communicate his needs and wants, life would be A LOT nicer for him. It has gotten a lot better, but we still have the occasional meltdown. One day Fletcher will realize how silly it looks to just flop on the floor when he doesn’t get his way.
Potty Training - We started potty training Fletcher on June 14. We’ve had considerable success. He’s trained and in big boy undies for pee-pee, we are working on the BMs. He is even making it through 98% of the nights and his naps without incident. It only took us 20 pairs of underwear and many loads of laundry the first week.:-) The investment has been worth it!
Terrible Twos - The “terrible twos” have not gone without challenge, but overall we are surviving and continue remind Fletcher who is in charge and if he listens to Mommy and Daddy and uses words to communicate his needs and wants, life would be A LOT nicer for him. It has gotten a lot better, but we still have the occasional meltdown. One day Fletcher will realize how silly it looks to just flop on the floor when he doesn’t get his way.
Developing - Fletcher can count. He can do his ABCs. He knows all his shapes and most colors. He can sing select nursery rhymes. He helps helps do the laundry. He doesn't do all these things perfect, but we are progressing and it is wonderful to witness.
On average, Fletcher is about 5 inches taller and 10lbs heavier than most children his age. Stats: 43lbs, Size 12 shoes, Size 5T or small boys clothes.
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