Muscle Man!!
Who is this little kid? It is hard to believe its our "baby"? Boy, he is growing up fast.
Fletcher is fully potty trained. He moved to the 3 year old room at his school a few months early. According to the director of the school, Fletcher went from 2 to 21 overnight, as in he's maturing and his transition to his new classroom went quite well -- he was ready.
He is inquisitive, he is VERY methodical, and likes to push limits.
He is also still has the occasional tantrum where his legs turn into spaghetti and his voice goes up a million decibels. Mommy and Daddy muster up their patience.
He's been enjoying lots of birthday parties and can spot an invitation a mile away. We may be in trouble when his birthday arrives.

Aunt Jeana, Uncle John, my favorite cousin Elijah, and my newest cousin Eben. Thanks for taking such good care of me when I'm at your house and not being upset when Elijah and I had our first squabble over the purple bunny that Grandma gave each one of us. I really did think it was
my Bunny and I was willing to fight for her.:-) My bad.

Nothing like Dora on the large screen. Boy, things have changed in our household.


Mommy & Daddy at an Earth Wind & Fire concert. We had a blast!

Fletchie having fun with Lynee.

Mommy had a grand plan of taking Fletcher for long bike rides and soon realized it was really, REALLY hard to tote her weight and Fletcher's 45lbs. Now, Daddy has a "man-sized" bike for he and Fletcher and Mommy can lead them to their destination.:-)
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