Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The past months have been a rough for our family as we dealt with Grandma’s cancer and ultimately her passing on May 14th. We longed and prayed that she would be cured or would have been thankful if she had lasted a while longer, but God called her home and away from our home where she lived since ’06. Since Grandma seemed to be yanked from out our lives so quickly, today we still long for her presence, her voice and even the opportunity to care for her as she fought this terrible disease. Now our house is a much a different place and feels empty without her. We are learning new things – how to move on and what to tell Fletcher when he asks if Grandma is upstairs...And, truthfully, it has been hard, but we are coping.

Fletcher has been our ray of sunshine and helped us cope with my Mom’s passing just has he did when he was only 1 week old when Chris’s mother passed in ’05 from the same terrible disease. Again, he played the role of savior for us – a heavy load for a child. We thank God for Fletcher and his big heart.

If you ask Fletcher “Who loves you Fletcher?” He’ll say, “Grandma!” as loud as he can. It is the truth.

We miss you Grandma!

My sister's and I wrote this tribute for our Mother after her passing. It was read at her memorial service on May 18th to 300+ attendees.

Our mother was always objective, never met a stranger, always had an open ear and door, was very creative, never judgmental, believed family was of the upmost importance, and believed there was a divine purpose in all of life's events.

We honor our mother, Dorothy, because of the indelible affect she had on each of our lives and many of the life's she affected of those in attendance today.
We honor our mother each day we greet the world with a smile and kindness backed by the lessons she has taught us.

We honor you when we are able to laugh at ourselves and learn from life's lessons.

We honor our mother by doing the right thing because it is the right thing.

We honor our mother when we instill the same values we were taught in our own children.

We honor our mother each time we seek God's word to cope or re-adjust to all the world may throw our way.

We pay tribute to our mother each time we rally as a family in the good times and bad.

We honor our mother when we help those in need for this was truly the essence of who she was.

We WILL honor our mother by surviving and living our lives beyond today because of her and in spite of cancer.

Our lives are the truest reflection of the absolute most important role Dorothy Fletcher ever held and it was MOTHER to Mary, Annette, Libby and Jeana -- because of you there is an "us."

When we feel as if we can't go on living without you, Mom, we will think of your advice and look into the eyes of our own children to gain the strength that you so often said that we as your children gave to you.We love you Mom and we will miss you more than words can ever convey. We hope we do you "proud" as we continue our life's journey.

Lovingly your daughters,

Mary, Annette, Libby and Jeana


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