Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Mommy learned that Daddy is very apt at caring for Fletcher. You see, she was out running an errand that took longer than anticipated the time crept past Fletcher's dinner time... She panicked a little and raced home to tend to Fletcher. She thought for sure he'd be seeking her out...To Mommy's surprise, she was greeted by a silent house and Fletcher with a full belly and sound asleep as Daddy sat proudly nearby watching TV and wondering, "Worried?! Why would you worry?"

Fletcher did more Jacuzzi time with Mommy this weekend. It wasn't as enjoyable for Mommy this time around. Having the jacuzzing controls adjusted and the froth of bubbles splashed and tossed at you by at 7 month old who is squealing in delight isn't all that relaxing... After all the havoc in the tub, Fletcher took his first shower. Then somehow (Mommy hasn't figured this one out), Daddy ended up relaxing in the Jacuzzi solo. Ummmmm... I think Mommy was set up!

Fletcher is getting in his top teeth which means a lot more drool and some more pain for him. Hopefully, they will pop through soon. He is also showing the signs that he will be crawling very, very soon. He can move several feet and get into and tear down much of what he sees along the way. Never a boring moment these days...


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