Saturday, July 08, 2006


4th of July Shindig at Scott and Mike's

How much more "safety" gear can you add?

A hat....

A B C D E F G..... never to early to start learning...
(Thanks Patti for the great gift!)

7 months old and Celebrating Independence Day...

Fletcher had is very own pre-4th of July fireworks display, compliments of his doting Daddy. Fletcher was mildly impressed. I think Daddy was looking for a bigger reaction, but Fletcher was more concerned about bedtime. On the 4th, it seemed a little odd that Mommy spent some of the day solo while the two men in her life napped – something seemed all wrong and right about it at the same time. We enjoyed ourselves at our good friends, Scott and Mike’s, annual 4th of July shindig. Fletcher got lots of compliments about how good he was (is), i.e., he was seen, but not heard. A compliment like this from Scott is a BIG deal since he doesn’t really care for
urchins (as he calls most kids).

Fletcher is stretching and trying to get to more and more. He can stand when holding onto something or someone and he works hard to pull himself up. He’s is our first child, but we are learning that we are really, really enjoying this stage. Fletcher is very interactive, he “talks,” he’s inquisitive, he’s funny, and most of all he’s sweet.

We’ve got the sleeping through the night thing licked again, but it has come with a new development that we were not prepared for – Fletcher sleeping on his stomach. The first time Mommy saw him in the head dive position, i.e., face down in the mattress, she almost had a heartache and Fletcher had near whiplash and a heart attack from how quickly Mommy snatched him up from his deep sleep. After 5 nights of this new “trick,” he is finally turning his head to the side to aid in breathing (thank God) and we are learning to enjoy sleeping through the night again…

This weekend we said “good-bye” to our waterfront house and visited our new house which is coming along quite well. We are looking forward to the new chapter in our lives. Too bad, Fletcher won’t have the fond memories we have of the waterfront place…


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