Ok, you two!
Manipulation, exploration, independence and amazement...
Fletcher had been sleeping through the night since March then all of a sudden for the past three weeks, Mommy’s back up one or two times a night tending to Fletcher. Well, Mommy FINALLY had an ephiany…"Fletcher is MANIPULATING me!" but has worked to get Fletcher back on track with sleeping at night. And, we are happy to say we’ve had success…
Fletcher is all about exploring himself, others, and the world. He found his hands, his feet, and now Fletcher has found his pee-pee – that’s what we’ll call it. Well, I guess it was inevitable.
Fletcher is also becoming more independent. The only time he likes being held these days is when he is sleepy, to get from point A to point B or if you are playing with him. My sister Jeana told us this day would come. His new pastime is sitting up and ours is watching him in amazement – what will he figure out or do next?
For Mommy and Daddy, it is definitely strange to see the top of Fletcher’s curly head bobbling around in crib – to think not long ago he could lye lengthwise in the crib and wasn’t able to roll over. In a few more months, what will he be able to do?
Time does fly and we are trying to make the most of every minute we have with Fletcher…
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