Monday, May 28, 2007

Fletcher has been spending a lot of time outside. In fact, lately he's been starting his day outside since Mommy and Daddy started exercising again after a long sabbatical. Pushing 65lbs during our walks and runs has added to the challenge of getting back in the grove though. You see Fletcher is at 40lbs now and the stroller is 25lbs... So, we are definitely getting a total body workout! Fletcher aptly points out rocks, water, birds, trees, airplanes, the doors to each house that he sees along the way and also mimics any vehicle he may hear - vrrrroooooommmmm... It is music to our ears...

Oh, all the things we thought other parents were doing wrong….. Our perception all those years we went without a child is changing since we are realizing many things we cannot control when it comes to our sweet bundle of fun. For example, my sister's kids lived off of mac and cheese for the longest time and I would quietly give her advice on how she should better control what they ate. Well, mac and cheese is a staple of Fletcher's diet when in the early days he would eat almost anything. Today, that's not the case and I am lucky if he eats at all. He checks what we are feeding him several times throughout the meal to ensure it doesn’t get switched on him midstream. Then there are the boo-boos. When I'd see or hear of kids being skirted off to the emergency room because of an injury or when I'd see a kid with a scrape or scratch, I'd always think "If you watched your child more closely, these things wouldn't happen." Well, again our views are changing because Fletcher in about 2 weeks Fletcher was filled with boo-boos from his face where he walked into our kitchen table to two skinned knees (that he injured twice before the first injury healing) where he fell outside -- all with Mommy and/or Daddy an arm's reach away. So, our theories were shot...

It is amazing how our little guy has changed and is developing -- open mouth kisses are now closed and end with a smack. Sounds are now turning into words. Crawling up the stairs has been replaced with walking. Messy piles that were once cleaned up by Mommy or Daddy are starting to be cleaned up by Fletcher. One way communication is being replaced by two-way. Days start with identifying body parts or something in the house rather than crying and those unsteady feet now dance.

We've learned a lot in the past 18 months and we are certain the education will continue and we look forward to the journey.


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