Monday, May 14, 2007

Fletcher is snoozing with his new bunny from Grandma -- charging those batteries for his next activity. He wakes at 6am and is full throttle until his nap time.

Just let me sleep....

Up until about a month ago, Fletcher wouldn't have anything to do with a swing. Nope -- get me outta here.... but NOW, Fletcher loves the swing and is kicking and screaming when it is time to get out.

Since it has warmed up, Fletcher has really turned into an outdoorman (well, boy). When he comes downstairs in the morning, he seeks out his shoes as tries to convince us to take him outside which doesn't usually work especially on Mommy. I swear he could be outside 24/7 and be happy. He enjoys going to the park, throwing rocks, playing in the mulch, watering flowers and pushing just about anything.


Fletcher hasn't mastered the "going around part" of getting back to the top of the slide -- the tries to climb back up...

Fletcher's been taking classes at My Gym for a few months now and he absolutely loves it. Gets to spend time with other little guys and gals, burn off extra energy and learn those dreadful nursey rhymes that neither Mom or Daddy knows...

Daddy, let go outside...

Little guy resting...The blanket always ends up being his pillow... We have made the first step to transition Fletcher to a big boy bed, by taking down the front of his crib. So, he can enter and exit as he pleases. So far, so good -- no midnight trips to Mommy and Daddy's bed -- YET.

Fletcher spending some time in bed with Mommy as she recovers from surgery. Lots of pillows were necessary to protect Mommy's incisions from brutus...

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