Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Vroom Vroom

Fletcher has aspirations of having a full size vehicle one day... He's got a way to go yet...

Fletcher backing into his parking space...

We need a separate garage for Fletcher’s growing fleet of vehicles…

First visit to Toys R Us – Mommy and Daddy bought Fletcher yet another set of wheels, ones that aren’t as hard on Mommy and Daddy’s back. Fletcher loves his little sports car and sits proudly in the driver’s seat. He holds the steering wheel and likes it when Daddy makes vroom vroom and screechy noises (like wheels burning out). We do laps through the living room, kitchen, den, office, and hallways. Also, the little plastic wheels skid easily on the slick hardwood or ceramic floors – like the Fast and the Furious 3, Tokyo Drift – we go skidding around corners and do a lot of 180s (reminds me of my Dad’s 68 GTO with its 6.7 liter engine). Fletcher loves the experience – and likes to go really fast. We could ride him around in the car all day long and he would not tire of it (ha ha, get it, “tire” of it). We can’t wait until he understands what the steering wheel does so we can upgrade him to an electric vehicle; perhaps a mini Hummer? Also, we wonder if they sell driving gloves in toddler sizes?

Monday, July 17, 2006

Aunt Hope gave Fletcher his first Thomas the Train book and he absolutely loves it. So, we added a few to his collection. Fletcher can definitely relate to the "The Little Engine that Could" as he works to "perfect" his crawling. Oh yeah, those are Fletcher's feet sticking out from under the book.

Ahhhhhh.... a perfect temperature.

More water time... he..he..he.. Fletcher loves to splash his hands in the water. This week, he had his first bubble-bath...

A determined Fletcher working on his crawling as he chases the ball. He is crawling so fast, he's just a blurrrrr

Oh....you caught me, Mommy! (Good thing it wasn't the knife door!)

Learning to crawl and testing boundaries and patience…

Fletcher is very busy these days – exploring the house either by crawling or using his walker. No idle time for this little guy. He uses his arms and one leg to pull himself along. It sure would be a lot easier if he did it using all four limbs, but he continues to drag the one locked leg (we call it the wounded solider) along instead of using it, but the past couple of days we’ve noticed him up on all fours more often. So, hopefully, he’ll make it easier on himself soon enough. He is keeping the floors clean though -- they are “spit shined” with his drool and his shirt :-) He now has an affinity for floor lamps, doors, the stairs, and any type of cord (electrical, phone, computer). With the ability to crawl, Fletcher has also discovered his ability to pull himself up into the standing position and he’ll use just about anything to try to get leverage – a door he’s opened, the dishwasher, a floor lamp, Mommy’s or Daddy leg, anything… We can’t leave him alone anymore and nothing in the house is safe from his finger prints, drool, nor destruction – our lives have officially changed!

Fletcher is becoming a little more discriminating with his foods lately… He’ll take it in, taste it, and if it is not to his liking he’ll spit it back out repeatedly -- even food he has been eating for a few months. Also, with the teething, a dose of infant Advil or Tylenol is needed occasionally for pain or fever and I’ve had to start sneaking the dose in Fletcher’s favorite fruits since he won’t swallow it if I give it to him direct. Wise little bugger… We did learn that Fletcher likes the taste of coffee, cola, chips, potatoes, deviled eggs (yoke part), ketchup, pasta, and a few other treats. He does not like papaya – so I guess we will have to cut that out of our diet.

Mommy washes Fletcher’s hands 3-4 times a day like a big boy in a sink. Now he will nearly leap out of your arms if he sees a faucet. He loves to turn the water on and “wash” his hands (play in the water). Of course, in a few years, he will deny ever having touched water. When you pull him back from the faucet/sink, he starts to cry because he wants to play with the water some more…

Fletcher cooing with Rose.

Fletcher visiting with Valerie, the hostess with the most, and Killian, the gold lab. Fletcher didn't know what to make of him.

Daddy pushing Fletcher's shiny red car.

Ooooooohhhhhh.... we're moving!

Pattie feeding him appetizers.

Chris, Fletcher and Mommy went to a picnic on Saturday at Valerie and Ron's house where we enjoyed great company and a pictureque setting at the base of the Sugarloaf Mountain -- a cool breeze was flowing down from the mountains and so was conversation and great food and drinks. Fletcher arrived at the front door with his brand new shiny, red, plastic car. He was the only pint-sized guest, but no one seem to mind and most everyone there knew him. You see, they've been tracking this website since he was born. I think they were pleased to spend some time with him. We are learning that Fletcher really likes adult gatherings -- especially ones where he get lots of attention like this one...:-)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Mommy learned that Daddy is very apt at caring for Fletcher. You see, she was out running an errand that took longer than anticipated the time crept past Fletcher's dinner time... She panicked a little and raced home to tend to Fletcher. She thought for sure he'd be seeking her out...To Mommy's surprise, she was greeted by a silent house and Fletcher with a full belly and sound asleep as Daddy sat proudly nearby watching TV and wondering, "Worried?! Why would you worry?"

Fletcher did more Jacuzzi time with Mommy this weekend. It wasn't as enjoyable for Mommy this time around. Having the jacuzzing controls adjusted and the froth of bubbles splashed and tossed at you by at 7 month old who is squealing in delight isn't all that relaxing... After all the havoc in the tub, Fletcher took his first shower. Then somehow (Mommy hasn't figured this one out), Daddy ended up relaxing in the Jacuzzi solo. Ummmmm... I think Mommy was set up!

Fletcher is getting in his top teeth which means a lot more drool and some more pain for him. Hopefully, they will pop through soon. He is also showing the signs that he will be crawling very, very soon. He can move several feet and get into and tear down much of what he sees along the way. Never a boring moment these days...

Thank You, Aunt Jeana for yet another set of wheels. I've turned the house into bumper land and I'm terrorizing Mommy and Daddy.

Cousin Elijah sharing his high chair and his Cheerios with Fletcher.

The two boys playing.

The cats stay just out of reach of Fletcher's grasping paws...

Saturday, July 08, 2006


4th of July Shindig at Scott and Mike's

How much more "safety" gear can you add?

A hat....

A B C D E F G..... never to early to start learning...
(Thanks Patti for the great gift!)

7 months old and Celebrating Independence Day...

Fletcher had is very own pre-4th of July fireworks display, compliments of his doting Daddy. Fletcher was mildly impressed. I think Daddy was looking for a bigger reaction, but Fletcher was more concerned about bedtime. On the 4th, it seemed a little odd that Mommy spent some of the day solo while the two men in her life napped – something seemed all wrong and right about it at the same time. We enjoyed ourselves at our good friends, Scott and Mike’s, annual 4th of July shindig. Fletcher got lots of compliments about how good he was (is), i.e., he was seen, but not heard. A compliment like this from Scott is a BIG deal since he doesn’t really care for
urchins (as he calls most kids).

Fletcher is stretching and trying to get to more and more. He can stand when holding onto something or someone and he works hard to pull himself up. He’s is our first child, but we are learning that we are really, really enjoying this stage. Fletcher is very interactive, he “talks,” he’s inquisitive, he’s funny, and most of all he’s sweet.

We’ve got the sleeping through the night thing licked again, but it has come with a new development that we were not prepared for – Fletcher sleeping on his stomach. The first time Mommy saw him in the head dive position, i.e., face down in the mattress, she almost had a heartache and Fletcher had near whiplash and a heart attack from how quickly Mommy snatched him up from his deep sleep. After 5 nights of this new “trick,” he is finally turning his head to the side to aid in breathing (thank God) and we are learning to enjoy sleeping through the night again…

This weekend we said “good-bye” to our waterfront house and visited our new house which is coming along quite well. We are looking forward to the new chapter in our lives. Too bad, Fletcher won’t have the fond memories we have of the waterfront place…

Friday, July 07, 2006

Check it out -- I can't stand all by myself!

I'm laughing cuz I don't know what the heck you just fed me to stain my face orange! Payback will come tomorrow in my diaper.

I'm keeping my eyes on you...