Thursday, January 08, 2009

Where's that excerpt I was looking for?

I hope this new book is as good as the last one....


Daddy's new book was released last week ( Mommy and Fletcher are proud of him. We just wish our mother's were here to witness. Daddy is making a difference in the law enforcement and intelligence communities. Hopefully, one day Fletcher will understand the importance of Daddy's work. Way to go, Daddy!

Fletcher has a fascination with his "friends" each event of the day he has to have the right "friend" be a part. It is not always the same friend and don't dare try to aid in selection of the "friend" to make it quicker. No, no, no....

Fletcher has outgrown the pants Mommy bought him for the winter and his shoes are getting tight. Another shopping spree is in our future.

Fletcher has adopted nicknames (terms of endearment) for Mommy and Daddy. We have no idea where or why these names... Mommy's name is "NeNe" and Daddy's is "Chicken Nugget" When calls us we come... Mommy likes her name better than Daddy's. At least it rolls off Fletcher's tongue better... When he says "Chicken Nugget," it always sounds like Daddy's in trouble.:-)

Mommy is almost done with her chemo treatments. She has been a champ and muddled through all this while still caring for me. When she couldn't, Daddy was always there.


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