Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Our first family summer beach trip to Virginia Beach!

For us this is what family is about sharing experiences and creating new memories together. We hope this is the first of many family vacations together.
It is nice to see the bond all the cousins have with one another. It gave Aunt Jeana and Mommy a bit of a relief to know the older cousins were watching over the smaller ones -- a family hierarchy system is a beautiful thing!

Elijah and Fletcher looking like two old men.

My cousin, my friend!

Fletcher wouldn't have anything to do with the big bad ocean -- even ole trusty Elijah could not coax him near the water.

Aunt Jeana is still a kid at heart and managed to "steal" a ride on the roller coaster.

The boys checking out the beach scenery from the hotel balcony.

Aunt Jeana and Eben enjoy the nice day poolside.

What does a two and three year old do with boogie boards? Pretend they are using them proficiently on land!

Makayla feeding her youngest cousin, Eben.

The sisters, mommies, and friends!

Everyone enjoying some pool time -- minus the sand from the beach!

Fletcher in Daddy's shoes again. Slow down!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Growing boy -- Even though Fletcher has weighed about the same thing since November ’07, it appears he’s grown a few inches vertically and horizontally since his belly is hanging out from under his PJ shirts and the pants no longer touch his ankles. This seemed to happen over night. He is now 42 inches tall and weighs 45lbs. He’s grown 12 inches in two years which is REALLY hard to believe, but it is true. When we moved into our house, Fletcher was able to walk UNDER the kitchen table now he is more than a head taller than the table. Amazing.

Progress -- Fletcher moved to the 3 year old room 5 months early at his school. He has adjusted fabulously and his teacher says he is able to do exercises like the older children – matching numbers, sizes, comparisons, reasoning, etc. She was so impressed with him that he was recognized as a “Super Star” at the school and photos of Fletcher from birth to now were featured on the school’s bulletin board. Way to go, Fletcher!

Terrible 2s -- We are still in the tantrum phase, but I must admit it is getting better. Fletcher is learning that Mommy and Daddy both follow through on the “getting in trouble” part if he doesn’t do what we ask of him. Also, the 1, 2, 3 counting as an indictor that “the trouble is coming” has been effective.

Perplexing things -- I know I can be pretty anal about things, but I’m really starting to wonder….

*If there’s only one drop of food, ketchup or juice on the floor how can Fletcher’s feet find it so easily while he’s walking and spread it across the entire floor?

*Of all the space there is in a king size bed, when Fletcher’s playing and being rough, why does his very hard head always seem to hit Mommy in the eye or jaw bone?

*Or when something has sat in the same location for months -- as soon as Fletcher approaches, it falls?

*If we are truly in charge, why are we being bossed around by a 2 ½ year old?

*How does Fletcher seem to innately know when Mommy needs extra hugs and TLC since Grandma’s passing?

*How is it that Fletcher claims to not be able to get his own shirt off, but somehow can fully undress himself (including the shirt) to join us in the shower?

*Why is it that we have to wake Fletcher up most mornings when he has to go to school, but on the weekends, he wakes up before the sun?

These are the perplexing things that keeps me awake at night.:-)

Monday, September 01, 2008

We've learned that when Fletcher helps to cook, he eats better. Right now, he's a great helper around the house. He helps with the laundry, the garbage placement and removal from the curb, getting the mail from the mailbox, watering the flowers, and vacuuming the floor.

Busted! Not a good idea....

~The Westphals~

Fletcher loves to lure Daddy to play in the sand with his tractor.

Tee-ball anyone?

Uncle Mark and Aunt Hope "tried" to have a photo session with Fletcher, but he didn't have the time to sit still which is very normal these days.

Noodles.... Fletcher's favorite.

Fletcher loved Daddy's new toy right away and thought the coin slot was a perfect place for THE KEY. When Daddy starting looking for the key he asked Fletcher if knew where the key was and with great confidence, Fletcher quickly pointed to the coin slot and said, "Its right here, Daddy." grrrrrrrrhhhh.... Luckily, Daddy was able to retrieve without dismantling the machine.