Since December 1st, we have been working to transition Fletcher to school. We’ve had ups and downs, good days, bad days, changes in schedule and attitude to work through this transition. With great pride and surreal happiness, we are happy to report today was a big, BIG day for Fletcher – he didn’t cry when Mommy dropped him off for school. He walked himself into the school, RAN to his classroom and insisted on taking off his own coat to show us all he was the one really running the show. This has been a long awaited day for Mommy, Daddy and the very patient staff at his school. Halleluiah!!!!! The patience, encouragement, and care from the school’s director and staff for Fletcher have been endless and we are so very appreciative.
Mommy and Daddy ask themselves often “What happened to our little baby?” Fletcher is such a BOY. He is rough, tough and full of energy. He has the memory of an elephant and isn’t easily fooled (at 2 years old – the will cause problems for Mommy and Daddy later in life). His confidence in communicating has made him quite bossy telling us to “Sit down.” “Shut the door.” “Wake up.” “Read book?” For now it is music to our ears.
Fletcher loves a good round of “Ring Around the Rosy.” He loves picking out his own DVDs and then changing his mind when it starts. He still loves cars, trucks and trains. She loves going shopping with Mommy. He loves playing on the computer. He loves books. And, now we are happy to add that Fletcher loves school and Mommy and Daddy are very proud!!!
Where's there's a fire truck, there's an
opportunity for a photo and fun!
opportunity for a photo and fun!
Visual Analytics youngest employee, Fletcher.
Daddy's showing him the ropes.
Mommy and Fletcher visited Daddy at the office
and had a blast at the 2nd annual chili cook-off.
Fletchie's favorite cousin, Elijah.
Daddy's showing him the ropes.
Mommy and Fletcher visited Daddy at the office
and had a blast at the 2nd annual chili cook-off.
Fletchie's favorite cousin, Elijah.
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