Friday, August 24, 2007

Hello, OnStar?

You know we've heard those OnStar commercials over the past several years and we have often wondered if the stories are for real. Well, as luck would have it, after paying for OnStar service now for over 4 years, it was put to the test last Sunday when Fletcher got locked into the Hummer -- with the engine running. Yes, you might wonder how this would happen??? Well, our button-pushing son locked the truck unbeknownst to either of us. So, on a sweltering summer day, deep in the Virginia country side (over an hour from home), there Fletcher sat, cozy and cool as a cucumber, sipping his juice, and watching his favorite cartoons on the DVD while we were frantically trying to figure out how to gain access to him. Mommy and Daddy kept their "cool" while everyone at the picnic wanted to "see this work" -- get a car unlocked remotely... We were a bit concerned that the cell-coverage in the area was a bit limited and it may not work (FYI, OnStar is not satellite communication, it is just a cell phone connection). Anyhow, Daddy made the call and after giving a half-dozen invalid access codes, like magic, we heard the click and the truck was unlocked... Thanks, OnStar, you SAVED our day and the cost of a broken window! p.s., the renewal check is in the mail.


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