Friday, June 30, 2006

The big day finally arrived – the trumpets were tooting, the drums thumping, and the band playing -- OK, the radio got stuck on some NPR documentary show – however, it was time for Fletcher’s first hair cut. As you can see in the previous posts, we started to refer to him as “Wild Man Westphal” because his “crazy hair” was going all over the place. That, and people kept mistaking him for a girl…

Tradition says you should wait until the baby is one year old before you cut their hair. Based on our estimates, Fletcher’s hair would be 3 feet long by then – and besides the hair-gel is already costing us a fortune. So, we took the big plunge and sought out the perfect place to get his hair cut. There was some discussion about whether or not Fletcher should go to where Daddy gets his hair cut, by professional, chic, modern stylists that are very well endowed in their skills (also, they have really nice smiles). Or, as was ultimately decided, we would go to Cartoon Cuts at the mall.

Upon entering, we were promptly greeted by the staff and Fletcher was immediately placed in a chair and covered with a tarp so the cut hair would fall to the floor. The scissors came out and clip-clip-clip the hair started to come off in waves. Why is it that older Spanish women keep calling him “papi” ? Or, are they really talking to me? Am I missing something?

Fletcher seemed to quite enjoy his 10 minutes in the chair – and almost seemed to appreciate the weight loss from all the hair cut away. He especially liked the hair dryer and having it blown in his face (cool setting). Needless to say, he made the transformation from a crazy, wild man into a handsome, debonair gentleman.

Once finished, we went to the Silver Diner and got a bite to eat. If anyone knows me, my standard order is a patty melt, cooked medium. Something about the grilled onions, bread, and meat patty make it oh-so-good. Fletcher played with a paper car and seemed to like it when I made vroom vroom noises – I also think the other patrons at the diner enjoyed my engine noises as well. He is into pushing items off the table and onto the floor – which you can imagine (at a public diner) this is not the most sterile place known to mankind… Overall, it was a success…

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Crazy Man

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

See the resemblance?

Kisses from Daddy!

Ok, you two!

Manipulation, exploration, independence and amazement...

Fletcher had been sleeping through the night since March then all of a sudden for the past three weeks, Mommy’s back up one or two times a night tending to Fletcher. Well, Mommy FINALLY had an ephiany…"Fletcher is MANIPULATING me!" but has worked to get Fletcher back on track with sleeping at night. And, we are happy to say we’ve had success…

Fletcher is all about exploring himself, others, and the world. He found his hands, his feet, and now Fletcher has found his pee-pee – that’s what we’ll call it. Well, I guess it was inevitable.

Fletcher is also becoming more independent. The only time he likes being held these days is when he is sleepy, to get from point A to point B or if you are playing with him. My sister Jeana told us this day would come. His new pastime is sitting up and ours is watching him in amazement – what will he figure out or do next?

For Mommy and Daddy, it is definitely strange to see the top of Fletcher’s curly head bobbling around in crib – to think not long ago he could lye lengthwise in the crib and wasn’t able to roll over. In a few more months, what will he be able to do?

Time does fly and we are trying to make the most of every minute we have with Fletcher…

Get out of the way cuz here I come -- beep! beep!
(Thanks Aunt Jeana for the wheels!)

Fletcher taking a break to "chat" with Mommy.

Low riding...

Watch out, I may be headed your way!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Mommy and Fletcher's first dance together.

Ok, Mommy stop being sappy. "At Last" you have me.

The Westphals -- something in Daddy's hair has got Fletcher's attention.

Fletcher? Fletcher? Flllllleeeettttccccher.....

Fletcher's first boat ride... Everything and everyone can get and keep his attention BUT us these days...

Fletcher and Mommy at Binary's corporate party on the Odyssey.

Hair is all combed and attire is all proper -- now I'm ready for dinner at a Turkish restaurant in NY City with Daddy's business associates.

Well, maybe this is a "hint" to us... we exceeded the limits with sharing our little guy on the other site -- thus, the new one... Indulge us and continue to share Fletcher with us!

As summer gets under way, Fletcher has been a busy little guy as he ventures out with Mommy and Daddy. He is also “rockin and rollin” with his new moves. In fact, these days, changing his diaper is a feat cuz as soon as you put him down he rolls over – still savoring the days he’s crawling…

He made a trip to NY City. We packed up everything but the kitchen sink and I guess we did ok since we used everything we brought along. While Daddy was working, Mommy and Fletcher spent time walking the streets of NY [not what you think] and a great deal of time in Central Park. Fletcher seemed to enjoy all the sights, sounds, and all the attention he got from Chris’s business associates and strangers…

Fletcher traveled for the first time in a car vs. Daddy’s H2. We found that being lower where he can see more makes the trip more interesting for him. He ate regular food from Mommy and seemed to like it. He also experience his very first boat ride when he attended his first corporate party – Binary Consulting’s Summer Party on the Odyssey as we sailed the Potomac. Fletcher finally made the acquaintance of all the Binarians that have tracked him since he was born on this very website and made a lot of new acquaintances as well. During the party he listened to the band, he and Daddy led the Conga line, he and Mommy had their first dance together to “At Last.” The dance that almost brought Mommy to tears – the words were oh so very poignant …

I found a dream that I could speak to a dream that I could call my own; I found a thrill to press my cheek to a thrill that I have never known; well You smile you smile oh and then the spell was cast and here we are in heaven for you are mine at last

At last, I have my son! Mommy’s prayer is that she’ll get to dance to this exact song at Fletcher’s wedding one day.

All is good and we are enjoying every moment with Fletcher.