Sunday, December 21, 2008

A few miscellaneous pictures of Fletcher over the pre-Christmas season

Mommy and Daddy getting ready to head out to VAI's company party. What a handsome couple.
OK, now, cough....
Fletcher has a good arm and can throw a rock far - especially one weighing 10 lbs
Here we go...
More rocks to throw
At a creek near our house - down the dirt road -- we get to throw rocks into the stream
It was cold that day - so we had to bundle up warmly
Here's another good rock to throw
Hang onto the loops!
Ready, set, go!
Bombardier to pilot, we're over the target...
Whooo whoooo - outta the way man.
Beep beep - get out of our way
Fletchie loves his cars
This swing looks/functions like something an astronaut would train in
Fletcher is already shaving - you should see his legs and back. Hairy little kid.
Perhaps a goatee would suit me best

Intense concentration...
Shoot the aliens --
Fletcher is a good helper
He is starting to understand some of the dimensions of Christmas


Monday, December 01, 2008

playing the Fast & the Furious -- -go man go

Happy 3rd Birthday Fletcher!

And, we celebrated the whole Thanksgiving holiday...

Chuck E. Cheese!!! Is he a rat or a mouse?

Lil Eben

Fletcher didn't know what to think of Chuckie....

A little boys heaven...

Happy Birthday!!!!

The box is always more fun than what's inside....

Fletcher "requires" Daddy to tell him "Once Upon A Time..." stories while he does his business...


Ritchie and Fletcher playing dueling-Hummers

Here comes Fletcher - roaring down the street in his Hummer

Oh no! wipe-out! (It looks worse than it was and Fletchie was ok & without injury - except the bruised ego.)
Boys and their toys... Fletcher's ATV-Razor
It goes faster than Daddy can walk/run.
...and through all the dirt and muck and goes along the roads without any problems....

First time out on his new ATV
Santa's Little Helper
Getting ready for Christmas!

Snuggle Puppy...

Making new friends at the park....
I see you...

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