Mommy had crafted a scheme she thought would make Fletcher LOVE his Halloween costume -- two months of playing “Superman,” and putting on his cape (towel) after a bath and then flying his 45lb body from the bathtub to the doorway, where he’d strike off like lightening with this cape for sure would make him LOVE the real thing. Right?
When the fateful day arrived, little did Mommy know, Fletcher thought his fantastic Superman costume was PAJAMAS and wouldn’t put them on! Despair for Mommy.
Off to school he went, with his Superman costume en tow.
When we arrived at the school for his parade, we saw OUR Superman emerge from the school doors. We melted!
Afterwards, we went to the local Halloween Parade where we learned that one year can really make a difference. You see, Fletcher was afraid of many of the costumes and spent most of the parade hiding behind Daddy’s back or being held by Mommy. Last year, this did not happen.