Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Off to Baltimore for a day at the train museum...Thomas the Train!!!
Hi Thomas!!!!
Hi Caboose!!!
Hi old MARC passenger car from the 1970s!!!
The whole family and Thomas
Ring that beeeeelllll, ring that bell.
Big steam stack
Old train carriage
Cool - cool - cool

Here comes Thomas -- look at his steam
Neat mommy....
An official Junior Train Engineer -- that goes on the old resume!
Mommy and Daddy enjoying the fun
This is soooo much fun
Thomas is pulling into the station.... time to board
Waiting for Thomas to arrive

Silly little train...
Leader of the pack....
Lego Thomas - cool
trains trains trains
Look -- a train
Make it work Daddy...
Pull this -- push that
What does this knob do?

Look - trains Too much excitement...
Off to see Thomas the Train -- with much excitement!!!!

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Cousin Eli leading the way on the farm... Oh no -- cooties!
Horsey like grass...
Where did the peacocks go?
Nice horsey....

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Going bowling....

Nice orange ball... easy to roll down the alley
Fletcher got a spare!!! yeah!
It took about 2 minutes for the ball to hit the pins...
rolling, rolling, rolling....
go man go!

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Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese............... Go faster Mommy!
Let's go --- go go go

Time to put the helmet on...the big ol' head
Two very handsome men...

Give me that camera

Fletcher likes to say "My Did It"
The car goes in here
I'm cute - take a photo of me...
Fletcher's Car Castle
Nice hat - buddy!
Kite is up high... hold on tight
Let go Daddy - time to fly the kite

Night night time -- reading a few books

All clean
Splish splash -- Fletchie is taking a bath!
Night night

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