Well…we finally got our high-speed Internet connection in the new house – so hopefully things will get back to normal with the blog postings, looking up cooking recipes, and other related Internet necessities,. We tried to post some videos on YouTube but they only seem to playback about 4 seconds worth – which just is not long enough to see the loveable Fletcher perform his acts of cuteness.
As we enter the Holiday Season, what else helps convey the feeling of Christmas other than 65 degree weather in the middle of December? You guessed it, a visit to see Santa Claus. This was Fletcher’s first experience at seeing Old Saint Nick dressed up in his outfit with his sleigh (OK, it was actually a red, convertible, PT Cruiser).
As you can see from the pictures, Fletcher was truly enamored with Kriss Kringle – watching his every movement from the twinkle in his eyes to hearing his hearty “Ho Ho Ho.” Honestly, Fletcher could not have cared less about what was going on; in some of the subsequent pictures, he is actually more excited about touching the chandelier ornaments. Although, he did taste his first peppermint candy stick --- and quite seemed to enjoy it.
As always, he is growing up to be quite the dashing and smart young man – having all the women swoon all over him telling us how handsome he is --- ahhh, just what proud parents want to hear.
We can't wait until he meets the Easter Bunny in a few months ;-)