Fletcher - The "Little Guy"
Growing up too fast!!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Stinker Dinker... While Daddy is away on travel (
In one of the boxes, we found a plastic badge that Fletcher likes to wear. Of course, we could not find a five pointed traditional Sheriffs badge in our stuff, but did manage to find one from the anti-money laundering agency in
While arranging some closets, a Christmas bell was found, which he wears around his neck and likes to jingle it a lot. So, just like the old story about belling the cat – we know where he is in the house, just listen for the jingle…
He has also recently been switched to milk – which has gone reasonably well, but he does get some “gas” from time-to-time and can get a little bit cranky – just like his Daddy ;-)
Fletcher is a very happy baby – and he has some very proud parents to help him learn about life.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Guess who is walking???
Fletcher is 11 months old now which is really hard to believe. Where did the time go? After about a month now, Fletcher has adjusted to the new house. The first 10 days were hard since Fletcher wouldn’t let Mommy out of his sight. Now, Mommy can leave him and he’ll come find her. We don’t know it that’s cuz he’s smart or cuz Mommy’s so darn predictable. Within days of being in the new house, Fletcher learned to drop items from the second floor down to the first floor through the railing. He can also open and close all the doors. If you hear a toilet flushing in the distance – that’s probably him, too. His first “official” word was “Momma” and it is definitely intended for Mommy. He will also try to mimic most anything you do now, but sometimes his body doesn’t get it just right. Fletcher has had his THIRD haircut. He can climb up and down the steps now and he’s growing the first of his molars. We also mustered up the nerve to take Fletcher on his first flight. We went to
We get lots of visits from family and friends which we enjoy. Since Elijah is the closest to Fletcher’s age of all the cousins, it has been especially enjoyable to see the interactions between them -- Fletcher learns from him, they communicate in their own way and play together well. We hope this is the start of a life long bond for them.